Kailua Canoe Club is excited to announce registration will soon be ready for the 2025 Regatta Season. We welcome new and returning paddlers to become a part of our club that is celebrating over 50 years of paddling history!
All registration is being done on-line – click the JOIN page. We look forward to a wonderful year celebrating our club history and the cultural sport that we all love.
All paddlers who plan on participating in 2025 pre-season races prior to regatta MUST have all registration forms completed and full regatta dues paid a week before the participating race.
“ Practice schedule and links to registration is coming soon”
If you have any questions, please email kccregistrar@gmail.com
Click here to see our new merchandise page and place an order
He waʻa he moku, he moku he waʻa
A canoe is an island, an island is a canoe
Like the rest of Hawai’i and people around the world, the members and families of Kailua Canoe Club grieve the loss of life and community that has occurred on Maui. This unfathomable event has touched all of us, and we look to find ways that we can reach out and contribute in a way that best benefits the people of Maui. Many people have asked about what they can do to help individually that would have the biggest impact on the lives of our neighbor island sisters and brothers.
The Hawaii Community Foundation Maui Strong organization has developed a page for financial contributions. HCF is working with multiple non-profit agencies on Maui to best distribute the funds for community needs. They are providing financial resources that are deployed quickly, with a focus on rapid response and recovery.
Click here to give whatever you are able to assist with this ongoing tragedy.
We stand with our Maui ‘ohana. Please keep them in your thoughts and prayers as they negotiate this long challenging journey. Me ke aloha pau‘ole.

Welcome to the 2024 Paddle Season and Our Kailua Canoe Club ‘Ohana!
Aloha- I am Julie Madden and it is my honor and privilege to return for another year to serve as President of the Kailua Canoe Club Board of Directors for Kailua’s 52nd year!
If you are new to our Kailua ‘Ohana – welcome, if returning, mahalo and welcome back!
Big MAHALO to all of our Coaches, the Board of Directors, our members, and their ‘ohana, for a successful first season back last year, after our 2-year pandemic break. It’s amazing what we can do together. It was so wonderful to see generations, literally, of ‘ohana back out on the water together. This year let’s grow even more!
As stated in our Mission Statement- we strive to give members “a sense of family and community in conjunction with the ocean” and to “paddle with passion and excellence, and live the values represented by the word “Aloha”
A – Akahai – Kindness, expressed with tenderness
L – Lōkahi – Unity, expressed with harmony
O – ‘Olu‘olu – Agreeable, expressed with pleasantness
H – Ha‘aha‘a – Humility, expressed with modesty
A – Ahonui – Patience, expressed with perseverance
Welcome to the family! Wishing you passion, excellence, and much Aloha! See you on the water!

I look forward to serving as Kailua Canoe Clubʻs Head Coach for the 2024 season. I am a long-time coach and paddler with Kailua Canoe Club and will work to bring this extensive experience to the job. I was born and raised in the Kona (South) area of O‘ahu in the ahupua‘a (land division) of Waimānalo in the Kuapa area (commonly referred to as Hawai‘i Kai). I paddled with Hui Nalu for 20 years and also trained and paddled with the Hawai‘i Canoe and Kayak Team which integrated with Olympic athletes in a competitive program. I “married” into the Kailua Canoe Club family and have been honored to coach highly successful regatta and long distance crews.
My goal and philosophy for this year is to provide an awesome, inclusive experience for all members of the KCC ‘ohana, with a high level of training and a competitive environment, based on Hawaiian cultural values.

Kailua Canoe Club encourages and asks all paddlers to practice safe COVID measures and provides the following links:
CDC COVID Guidelines
Click here
STATE COVID Guidelines
Click here
Click here