Kailua Canoe Club Code of Conduct
est. January 2014
At Kailua Canoe Club, we strive to paddle with passion and excellence, and to live the values represented by the word “Aloha”
A Akahai – Kindness, expressed with tenderness
L Lōkahi – Unity, expressed with harmony
O ‘Olu‘olu – Agreeable, expressed with pleasantness
H Ha‘aha‘a – Humility, expressed with modesty
A Ahonui – Patience, expressed with perseverance
Kailua Canoe Club encourages the pursuit of excellence in all aspects of canoe paddling. Our Code of Conduct has been created as a guideline of expected behavior for Kailua Canoe Club members.
An atmosphere of caring and respect is expected at all KCC practices and functions.
The following will be considered violations of the KCC Code of Conduct:
1. Discrimination on the basis of race, ethnicity, religion, age, gender, national origin or sexual orientation.
2. Bullying, defined as “the severe or repeated use of an oral, written, electronic or physical act or gesture directed at any other member which causes physical or emotional harm to another member or damage to another member’s property, disrupts training or club activities or creates a hostile environment.”
3. Sexual misconduct.
■ Any act of sexual harassment or unwelcome sexual advances or inappropriate oral, written, visual or physical conduct of a sexual nature in connection with any KCC related activity.
■ Any sexual contact or advance between a person of authority in the club (such as a KCC Coach or Board Member) and a KCC youth member under 18.
■ Any sexual contact, advance or inappropriate communication (such as provocative text messages) between a coach and adult paddler (excepting pre-existing relationships) during the time an athlete/coach relationship exists. Many of us met our partners at paddling, however coaches dating paddlers disrupts the dynamics of a team. Wait until the season is over.
4. The use of illegal drugs at the practice site or at a paddling function.
5. The abuse of alcohol in the presence of an athlete under the age of 18 by a coach or other person of authority in the club.
6. Excessive profanity during practice, races or Kailua Canoe Club functions.
7. Any obscene language, gesture or threatening language or physical violence directed toward another KCC member or at a KCC function.
8. Any obscene language, gesture or threatening language or physical violence directed towards an official or a competitor at any paddling event.
9. Drinking alcohol at a race site during a regatta or distance race. Any act of fraud, deception or dishonesty in connection with any Kailua Canoe Club activity.
10. Any act of fraud, deception or dishonesty in connection with any Kailua Canoe Club activity.
Members of Kailua Canoe Club may be placed on probation, suspended or expelled from Kailua Canoe Club for violations of the Code of Conduct.
Adapted from the USA Swimming Code of Conduct for Kailua Canoe Club. December 2013.
You may download the bylaws below and refer questions to info@kailuacanoeclub.com